Gîte d'Hyspanite à Veynes (05)

   Meublé de tourisme 3 étoiles


Vous pouvez réserver en ligne sans payer par internet, l'acompte sera alors envoyé avec le contrat de location, ou par virement bancaire. 

You can book online without paying by internet, the down payment will then send with the rental contract.

Disponibilités 2024/2025

Tarifications / Saison 2025

Possibilité de fractionner les semaines sauf pour les mois de juillet et août.

Conditions et suppléments


Charge supplémentaire de septembre à juin, électricité relevée sur compteur et calculée sur dernière facture edf reçue (maison récente, bien isolée).

Si relevé inférieur à 10 €, le cas (en principe) pour les WE, et souvent pour les semaines en demi saison, l'électricité est offerte, si supérieur à 10 €, le montant total du relevé est à devoir.


L ETE, un barbecue à charbon de bois est à votre disposition gratuitement sur demande. Si la période est trop sèche, risque de feu (compte tenu de l'environnement proche, riche en bois, pins et chènes) une plancha peut vous être proposée, et dans ce cas, une participation (pour le gaz) de 15 € la semaine, 20 € la quizaine vous sera demandée.


Du 05 juillet au 29 août 2025 (inclus), le gîte se loue uniquement du samedi au samedi. Fractionnement de semaine possible tout le reste de l'année.


Règlement possible par chèque bancaire ou par virement :


IBAN : FR76 1130 6000 6248 1482 5292 343


Coordonnées de la banque : Crédit Agricole Alpes Provence. Attention changement de banque, si ancien document prendre en compte le CA et non la BNP. Merci d'avance.


Possibilité de régler par paypal si réservation de dernière minute à l'adresse :



A la réservation, 25 % d'acompte. Une caution de 150 € sera demandée à l'arrivée.

Taxe de séjour 1.21 € par jour et par personne pour les personnes de plus de 18 ans.


Forfait ménage 30 €. Forfait vivement suggéré en période covid ...



Les draps sont fournis et les lits sont faits. Pensez donc à préciser le nombre d'adultes et d'enfants afin de vous préparer les lits correspondants.


Location possible de serviettes de bain, pack à 10,00 € comprenant une grande serviette de bain, une serviette moyenne et un gant de toilette.


Pensez à prendre connaissance ou/et à télécharger pour imprimer le plan d'accès afin d'éviter toute complication, mais n'hésitez pas à nous appeler en cas de besoin (attention plusieurs Châteauvieux dans notre région...).


Il est interdit de fumer dans le gîte.


Les animaux ne sont pas souhaités (pour éviter tout conflit entre bêtes, car 3 chiens, 1 colleys, 1 berger blanc suisse, 1 biewer/york, et une chatte sur place ). Nos animaux sont très gentils, qui s'appellent Jack, Vaya, Willy et Ninette.

Si accord préalable, 21 € par animal par jour.



Possibilité sur demande de recevoir un contrat "Gîte de France" si nécessaire.



Pour réserver : faites le par le lien "réservation en ligne" sans pour autant payer par internet, vous réglerez les arrhes par chèque en renvoyant le contrat signé, ou faites la demande par mail ou par téléphone.


email : gitehyspanite@outlook.fr ou



ou tél. : 04 92 58 73 24 ou 06 81 17 91 51



From July 8th to August 26th 2017 (included), the lodging is rented only from Saturday to Saturday. Week splitting possible throughout the rest of the year.


Additional load from September to June, raised electricity meter and calculated on EDF last invoice received (new house, well insulated).


Booking fee : 25 %. A deposit of € 150 will be requested on arrival. Tourist tax € 1 per day and per person (+18 years).

Consider getting to know and / or downloading to print the access plan to avoid any complications, but do not hesitate to call us if necessary.


Smoking is forbidden in the apartment. Pets are not allowed (to avoid conflicts with owners’ pets) (2 dogs)

Bed linen is provided and beds are made before arrival.

Remember to specify the number of adults and children to prepare the corresponding beds.

Cleaning charge 30 €.


Opportunity to make you a contract "gîte de France" if necessary.


To make a booking: make the reservation via online reservation without paying by internet, you will pay by check by returning the signed contract, either make the request by mail or by telephone.


Email  :    nadine.moretti@orange.fr or :  gitedhyspanite@outlook.fr

 or tel. :    0033 4 92 58 73 24   or  0033 6 81 17 91 51




 Gîte de France 1812 www.gites-de-france-hautes-alpes


Office de tourisme de Veynes





Plan d'accès à télécharger pour imprimer en fichier pdf 











Je vous suggère de télécharger et imprimer ce plan d'accès qui vous permettra de nous trouver plus rapidement, car attention plusieurs "Châteauvieux" dans notre région, et si vous utilisez un gps, il risque de vous amener au delà de notre adresse ...


D'autre part, vous seriez très aimable de nous confirmer, même la veille, approximativement votre heure d'arrivée, afin d'assurer notre présence pour vous accueillir, ainsi que le détail des personnes occupantes (adultes, enfants) afin de vous préparer les lits correspondants.


Merci d'avance, et bonne route !




I suggest you to download and print this access map which will allow us to find us faster, because watch several "Châteauvieux" in our region, and if you use a gps, it is likely to take you beyond our address...


On the other hand, you will be very kind to confirm, even the day before, approximately your arrival time, in order to ensure our presence to welcome you, as well as the details of the occupants (adults, children) The corresponding beds.


Thank you in advance, and good road!

On the other hand, you will be very kind to confirm, even the day before, approximately your arrival time, in order to ensure our presence to welcome you, as well as the details of the occupants (adults, children) The corresponding beds.
Thank you in advance, and good road!





On the other hand, you will be very kind to confirm, even the day before, approximately your arrival time, in order to ensure our presence to welcome you, as well as the details of the occupants (adults, children) The corresponding beds.
Thank you in advance, and good road!







On the other hand, you will be very kind to confirm, even the day before, approximately your arrival time, in order to ensure our presence to welcome you, as well as the details of the occupants (adults, children) The corresponding beds.
Thank you in advance, and good road!





I suggest you to download and print this access map which will allow us to find us faster, because watch several "Châteauvieux" in our area, and if you use a gps, it is likely to take you beyond our address. .


I suggest you to download and print this access map which will allow us to find us faster, because watch several "Châteauvieux" in our area, and if you use a gps, it is likely to take you beyond our address. .





I suggest you to download and print this access map which will allow us to find us faster, because watch several "Châteauvieux" in our area, and if you use a gps, it is likely to take you beyond our address. .
On the other hand, you will be very kind to confirm, even the day before, approximately your arrival time, in order to ensure our presence to welcome you, as well as the details of the occupants (adults, children) The corresponding beds.
Thank you in advance, and good road!




I suggest you to download and print this access map which will allow us to find us faster, because watch several "Châteauvieux" in our area, and if you use a gps, it is likely to take you beyond our address. .
On the other hand, you will be very kind to confirm, even the day before, approximately your arrival time, in order to ensure our presence to welcome you, as well as the details of the occupants (adults, children) The corresponding beds.
Thank you in advance, and good road!




I suggest you to download and print this access map which will allow us to find us faster, because watch several "Châteauvieux" in our area, and if you use a gps, it is likely to take you beyond our address. .
On the other hand, you will be very kind to confirm, even the day before, approximately your arrival time, in order to ensure our presence to welcome you, as well as the details of the occupants (adults, children) The corresponding beds.
Thank you in advance, and good road!



I suggest you to download and print this access map which will allow us to find us faster, because watch several "Châteauvieux" in our area, and if you use a gps, it is likely to take you beyond our address. .
On the other hand, you will be very kind to confirm, even the day before, approximately your arrival time, in order to ensure our presence to welcome you, as well as the details of the occupants (adults, children) The corresponding beds.
Thank you in advance, and good road!





I suggest you to download and print this access map which will allow us to find us faster, because watch several "Châteauvieux" in our area, and if you use a gps, it is likely to take you beyond our address. .
On the other hand, you will be very kind to confirm, even the day before, approximately your arrival time, in order to ensure our presence to welcome you, as well as the details of the occupants (adults, children) The corresponding beds.
Thank you in advance, and good road!





I suggest you to download and print this access map which will allow us to find us faster, because watch several "Châteauvieux" in our area, and if you use a gps, it is likely to take you beyond our address. .
On the other hand, you will be very kind to confirm, even the day before, approximately your arrival time, in order to ensure our presence to welcome you, as well as the details of the occupants (adults, children) The corresponding beds.
Thank you in advance, and good road!


I suggest you to download and print this access map which will allow us to find us faster, because watch several "Châteauvieux" in our area, and if you use a gps, it is likely to take you beyond our address. .
On the other hand, you will be very kind to confirm, even the day before, approximately your arrival time, in order to ensure our presence to welcome you, as well as the details of the occupants (adults, children) The corresponding beds.
Thank you in advance, and good road!


I suggest you to download and print this access map which will allow us to find us faster, because watch several "Châteauvieux" in our area, and if you use a gps, it is likely to take you beyond our address. .
On the other hand, you will be very kind to confirm, even the day before, approximately your arrival time, in order to ensure our presence to welcome you, as well as the details of the occupants (adults, children) The corresponding beds.
Thank you in advance, and good road!
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